This blog was hacked down twice. Apparently someone is not happy with the information I'm sharing here.
If you can make an offline copy of the site's content you're surely advised to do so.
What we have seen so far were the "old school" subliminals, nowadays techniques are a bit different. Instead of making sophisticated designs concealing the message, like the tattoo on the guy's wrist, they simply write very transparently all they want over the original image. If you have Photoshop, set the brush opacity to 3-2% and write something. It's so transparent that it's almost imperceivable, but for your subconscious it's enough. This technique is not new, we have seen it already in the Jantzen ad from 1972, but with modern technology this is the most easiest, cheapest and effective way to affect you subliminally. In early forms of embedding (1950s to late 1970s) an "artist" would lightly paint words in the background of pictures that were to be printed. Nowadays computers do this rapidly and automatically, producing a background mosaic of messages and commands. As you've read earlier the subconscious mind receives but doesn't report such insignificant stimuli.
Before we go on you need to understand the special interrelationship between the brain and the eyes. Let's take an example of the blind spot. All vertebrates have the retina — a light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyeball which receives images and transmits them to the brain as nerve impulses. At one location, where the optic nerve connects the eyeball, there are no photoreceptors and hence the brain gets no input signal from there. Technically, we see the picture of the world with a hole or a void in it. So how come it looks normal to us? Because our brain filters it out. It takes what lies nearby around that void and covers it up.
Please take this fun demonstration of the blindspot:
haha YOU ARE PERVS!!!! not everything is about sex, i look at this. pictures are pictures, angles are angles, if you "think" the harry potter "SEX" position, is sex, its just kissing, not everything is perverted
Humans have two heads, one upper and one lower between your legs, but only enough blood to operate one head at a time. When the blood goes to the lower head the upper one on your shoulders stop working. Goes for both men and women. Everybody who is above 11-13 y.o. knows this and have experiences of this. Of course the powers that runs the world use this basic function of the body to keep us docile. When you are high, drunk or turned on to sex you feel happy and content. Specifically when you use all three at the same time.
The ancient three temptations of the devil is power, money and sex. Most people have experienced power, even if it's just power over your little brother/sister, and we all know how sweet it is.
When you have experienced power, money, sex and combine it with drugs to filter out all regrets you will know the true meaning of temptation and mind control. It's beyond human capacity to withstand...only Jesus can save us.
Yea I think alot of the subliminal stuff in this was deliberate but its not all perverted at all. Don't you think you are over reacting? If they keep pushing the word sex at us does that mean they want us to have babies? I dont get it, is sex bad?
Well I dont Agree with the people who THink this isnt Perverted....Obviously you already have your mind set SO there is no point into looking into something like this... Yea Angles are angles and Pictures are pictures but its what the angles and pictures Produce And if you cant understand that then Theres something wrong with you...
To anonymous no they don't want us to have children the word itself is supposed to trick you into liking whatever is being advertised because mostly people like sex the same for anything to just draw your attention
I believe this...No wonder the Todays World is so much Corrupt!! Its All because of IILuminati, Zionist,Freemasons,Luciferians...Preparing for the False Messiah....."The Anti-Christ"..We all are living in a DECEPTIVE World. People Are so dependent on this system that they cant survive without it. But DOnt Worry JESUS is Comming BAck SOOn ENOUGH!! : )
If you look at Mariah's hair on the right - the word obey is there in relative plain sight - I think there is something else going on there as well - maybe you could have a look and revert? Great site and very interesting - significant to my research at the moment.
I agree with blog owner. It is evident to me that those who do not know God are blind to the deceptions of satan and how powerful they are. All we can do is continuing to be the best witnesses we can in these times of great evil. Their is spiritual warefare going on all around us. Equip yourselves with the armor of God and fight the good fight until his return. Surely we will be persecuted here in this temporary place, but our reward in Heaven will be great.
Why is everyone going on about god? If anyone has read QI books they will know that 666 isn't actually the symbol of the devil. This is a bit creepy though, I just don't get why harry potter would want to have this message embedded in their films. Are you trolling?
These are all SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES of course you've never noticed 'em before thats their purpose. I can't believe that after all the things that the creator of the blog wrote about SUBLIMINAL MANIPULATION you still don't get that. People like you need a brain transplantation.
The people who so quickly say, "Jesus isn't real" needs a lesson in history. Jesus was as real as you are. The question is, was Jesus God in the flesh? The same question can be raised by other religions based on real people. Muhammad was real, as well. Was he a god figure worthy of worship? It all depends on in what part of the world you were raised. As for the author's opinion about the message of "sex" and "porn" appearing everywhere, it's obvious that, in some cases, it appears very deliberate. However, in the headline "Torn Apart", it just so happens that the letters P, O, R, and N appear in that headline. No message. Just words.
Hey hon, check out this link! It's crazy to me how "in your face" they are! Like, they show off their infamous hologram toy/tool which alludes to and indirectly exposes "WHAT ELSE" they have, can and will use it for! But they don't care if we figure it out or call em out, just as long as they make their "Father (of LIES)" PROUD , right! So yeah you'll see (get) what I mean in the video! Here's link...... Have a great day and as always, keep up the FANTABULOUS work !!! Love you xoxoxo
Isn't it more likely, if these sex embeds keep appearing in Hollywood films, etc., that's it do with making the film more gratifying for the viewer (thus bringing them back to it?)
If this works, it makes sense that businesses and politicians would take advantage of it, but I think making a world conspiracy out of this is an unnecessary leap in logic.
Whether it could be considered a conspiracy or not doesn't matter. It signifies a distrust for those who have every reason to gain from its use. To say business or potical interests are benevolent is foolish. Benevolence by itself, rarely creates wealth or power.
There trying to destroy your values and keep you blind and lead you astray form god cus the devil knows his time is almost up and wants to take as many with him as possible just look at all the events in the world resantly and youll notice were in the ending days read revalation
It has become apparent to me that the vast majority here are uneducated on symbolism. I would recommend they take a lesson before judgment of your site. This was not at all "an unnecessary leap in logic", as these are NOT the only examples of this in media. It is all over, not just imagined in a scene or two of one movie. There are literally pages upon pages upon pages of several sources with undeniable evidence of Monarch programming. Also, for those saying things like "Well sex isn't necessarily bad, what's bad about this? Just sex etc.." Uh, yes. It is sex. Blatantly portrayed all over your children's favorite stars[some of whom have recently become sex symbols in themselves]. The fact is that even if "sex" was an okay message to plaster over things, it should never come down to being used in a children's movie. Furthermore, as was mentioned earlier, one must not focus on simply the involvement of "sex" as a message, but the whole; as it has been pointed out there is occult symbolism as well. These symbols all run rampant through the consciousness of today's youth, and they represent them in regurgitating nearly everything the media feeds to them.. A final point I might make is that unless one has properly, THOROUGHLY, studied a subject, he should not argue for one or another point about it. I find the majority of those involved in religious debates have not even looked over the texts of the religion they are bashing. If they would simply PAY ATTENTION, they would understand that regardless of what their personal spiritual beliefs are, these texts are incredibly relevant to today's culture.
Ah, forgot to mention, in the commons scene where "sex" appears on the wall in the back, it is contained within a dark horned figure. I'm sure this is just completely by coincidence though, just like the ever-constant celebrity use of covering[or framing] one eye in their photographs and videos, or the ever present themes of butterflies or mickey mouse.. Or the constant portrayal of duality[typically black and white, often checkerboard]... Yes these things are often "coincidentally" referred to as having something to do with mind control.
"Maybe some people just like to pose that way or like black and white or [whatever feature is being called upon]"
They do. It's called programming. Those who can not break free of programming will deny it's existence until the very end. Rather, the programming will deny the programming's existence, because in this day and age, it's not the people you are speaking to, it is their programming.
There are a few facts on this site but c'mon...This is pathetic! There are subliminal messages in Holliwood. Most of the examples you have on this site are rediculous! This message needs to be made public, but no one will listen to your message unless you ae realistic. Seriously making Porn out of torn apart. You should only post what you can porve is factual.
This is why people and teenagers now adays are so corrupted. And judging by the comments it's obviously working on controlling them, they're completely oblivious and submissive to what's right in front of their face.
Wow. Everything is a conspiracy. What would anyone gain from the use of such feeble minds. Perhaps a living zombie army. This is ridiculous. Humans will always have a pack mentality. You raise an idea they will follow. No subliminals needed. Once again man making himself so impotant everybody wants your brain. Ha. Most monotheistic cultures will follow any vague perception of direction. What is so subliminal about a hot woman dressed scantilly on a cover. You are fools. Sex is right in front of your eyes sheeple. Mariah has sex appeal. The cover will say sex to a heterosexual male because of her obvious allure. No hidden message needed. This blog was not well thought out or executed. All you people just ran with the idea instead of using your brain, the obvious defeated you. Ironically looking for something hidden in plain view.
People will follow anything. Did it not occur to anyone that Mariah has sex appeal already. Putting a subliminal message of sex beside a beautiful woman is redundancy. Can't find the forest from the trees? Conspiracy theorists are so interesting. Why pose a question that has already been answered? You might want more definitive evidence. Also, Jesus is on his third strike so he better get it right this time.
Nice try though.
haha YOU ARE PERVS!!!! not everything is about sex, i look at this. pictures are pictures, angles are angles, if you "think" the harry potter "SEX" position, is sex, its just kissing, not everything is perverted
Humans have two heads, one upper and one lower between your legs, but only enough blood to operate one head at a time. When the blood goes to the lower head the upper one on your shoulders stop working. Goes for both men and women. Everybody who is above 11-13 y.o. knows this and have experiences of this. Of course the powers that runs the world use this basic function of the body to keep us docile. When you are high, drunk or turned on to sex you feel happy and content. Specifically when you use all three at the same time.
The ancient three temptations of the devil is power, money and sex. Most people have experienced power, even if it's just power over your little brother/sister, and we all know how sweet it is.
When you have experienced power, money, sex and combine it with drugs to filter out all regrets you will know the true meaning of temptation and mind control. It's beyond human capacity to withstand...only Jesus can save us.
//Redemtorist aka cc22
They're pretty good at mind control seeing as we don't do anything about it.
And to the post above, Jesus isn't real.
Ooo that felt good it was like telling a kid that the tooth fairy doesn't exist!
Yea I think alot of the subliminal stuff in this was deliberate but its not all perverted at all. Don't you think you are over reacting? If they keep pushing the word sex at us does that mean they want us to have babies? I dont get it, is sex bad?
Well I dont Agree with the people who THink this isnt Perverted....Obviously you already have your mind set SO there is no point into looking into something like this... Yea Angles are angles and Pictures are pictures but its what the angles and pictures Produce And if you cant understand that then Theres something wrong with you...
To anonymous no they don't want us to have children the word itself is supposed to trick you into liking whatever is being advertised because mostly people like sex the same for anything to just draw your attention
Don't forget about the satanic symbols
Lets get a game of chess in Anonymous..this is IMPERIAL Insane
:') the legs missionary style LOL so true xD
I believe this...No wonder the Todays World is so much Corrupt!! Its All because of IILuminati, Zionist,Freemasons,Luciferians...Preparing for the False Messiah....."The Anti-Christ"..We all are living in a DECEPTIVE World. People Are so dependent on this system that they cant survive without it. But DOnt Worry JESUS is Comming BAck SOOn ENOUGH!! : )
Wow... I just wanted to say that your website is the best info on subliminals i've seen yet! This is some shocking stuff. Good work!
If you look at Mariah's hair on the right - the word obey is there in relative plain sight - I think there is something else going on there as well - maybe you could have a look and revert? Great site and very interesting - significant to my research at the moment.
I agree with blog owner. It is evident to me that those who do not know God are blind to the deceptions of satan and how powerful they are. All we can do is continuing to be the best witnesses we can in these times of great evil. Their is spiritual warefare going on all around us. Equip yourselves with the armor of God and fight the good fight until his return. Surely we will be persecuted here in this temporary place, but our reward in Heaven will be great.
Why is everyone going on about god?
If anyone has read QI books they will know that 666 isn't actually the symbol of the devil.
This is a bit creepy though, I just don't get why harry potter would want to have this message embedded in their films.
Are you trolling?
When you say 'cartoon character' don't you mean the map of the british isles? :L
I have to agree with the 6th comment, maybe it's just dirty minds that are making you see the messages because I never noticed them earlier...
These are all SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES of course you've never noticed 'em before thats their purpose. I can't believe that after all the things that the creator of the blog wrote about SUBLIMINAL MANIPULATION you still don't get that. People like you need a brain transplantation.
The people who so quickly say, "Jesus isn't real" needs a lesson in history. Jesus was as real as you are. The question is, was Jesus God in the flesh? The same question can be raised by other religions based on real people. Muhammad was real, as well. Was he a god figure worthy of worship? It all depends on in what part of the world you were raised. As for the author's opinion about the message of "sex" and "porn" appearing everywhere, it's obvious that, in some cases, it appears very deliberate. However, in the headline "Torn Apart", it just so happens that the letters P, O, R, and N appear in that headline. No message. Just words.
It's possible that Torn Apart is just Torn Apart.
The author admits that "some examples here could be accidental"....
but could all of them be?
HEY I THINK YOU ARE RIGHT.. next tym plz link the ILLUMINATI HERE because they are the one responsible for this
Hey hon, check out this link! It's crazy to me how "in your face" they are! Like, they show off their infamous hologram toy/tool which alludes to and indirectly exposes "WHAT ELSE" they have, can and will use it for! But they don't care if we figure it out or call em out, just as long as they make their "Father (of LIES)" PROUD , right! So yeah you'll see (get) what I mean in the video! Here's link...... Have a great day and as always, keep up the FANTABULOUS work !!! Love you xoxoxo
Isn't it more likely, if these sex embeds keep appearing in Hollywood films, etc., that's it do with making the film more gratifying for the viewer (thus bringing them back to it?)
If this works, it makes sense that businesses and politicians would take advantage of it, but I think making a world conspiracy out of this is an unnecessary leap in logic.
Whether it could be considered a conspiracy or not doesn't matter. It signifies a distrust for those who have every reason to gain from its use. To say business or potical interests are benevolent is foolish. Benevolence by itself, rarely creates wealth or power.
What exactly are you trying to achieve with the page backgrounds on which you have on your website?
There trying to destroy your values and keep you blind and lead you astray form god cus the devil knows his time is almost up and wants to take as many with him as possible just look at all the events in the world resantly and youll notice were in the ending days read revalation
I support your information, but these religious comments are making you look bad. Gtfo jesusfags
It has become apparent to me that the vast majority here are uneducated on symbolism. I would recommend they take a lesson before judgment of your site. This was not at all "an unnecessary leap in logic", as these are NOT the only examples of this in media. It is all over, not just imagined in a scene or two of one movie. There are literally pages upon pages upon pages of several sources with undeniable evidence of Monarch programming. Also, for those saying things like "Well sex isn't necessarily bad, what's bad about this? Just sex etc.." Uh, yes. It is sex. Blatantly portrayed all over your children's favorite stars[some of whom have recently become sex symbols in themselves]. The fact is that even if "sex" was an okay message to plaster over things, it should never come down to being used in a children's movie. Furthermore, as was mentioned earlier, one must not focus on simply the involvement of "sex" as a message, but the whole; as it has been pointed out there is occult symbolism as well. These symbols all run rampant through the consciousness of today's youth, and they represent them in regurgitating nearly everything the media feeds to them..
A final point I might make is that unless one has properly, THOROUGHLY, studied a subject, he should not argue for one or another point about it. I find the majority of those involved in religious debates have not even looked over the texts of the religion they are bashing. If they would simply PAY ATTENTION, they would understand that regardless of what their personal spiritual beliefs are, these texts are incredibly relevant to today's culture.
Ah, forgot to mention, in the commons scene where "sex" appears on the wall in the back, it is contained within a dark horned figure. I'm sure this is just completely by coincidence though, just like the ever-constant celebrity use of covering[or framing] one eye in their photographs and videos, or the ever present themes of butterflies or mickey mouse.. Or the constant portrayal of duality[typically black and white, often checkerboard]... Yes these things are often "coincidentally" referred to as having something to do with mind control.
"Maybe some people just like to pose that way or like black and white or [whatever feature is being called upon]"
They do. It's called programming.
Those who can not break free of programming will deny it's existence until the very end.
Rather, the programming will deny the programming's existence, because in this day and age, it's not the people you are speaking to, it is their programming.
Great job educating, you are one of the good guys. Thank you, and please keep it going.
Good website but, you should probably change the backgrounds, because it's definitely in bad taste.
There are a few facts on this site but c'mon...This is pathetic! There are subliminal messages in Holliwood. Most of the examples you have on this site are rediculous! This message needs to be made public, but no one will listen to your message unless you ae realistic. Seriously making Porn out of torn apart. You should only post what you can porve is factual.
This is why people and teenagers now adays are so corrupted. And judging by the comments it's obviously working on controlling them, they're completely oblivious and submissive to what's right in front of their face.
Wow. Everything is a conspiracy. What would anyone gain from the use of such feeble minds. Perhaps a living zombie army. This is ridiculous. Humans will always have a pack mentality. You raise an idea they will follow. No subliminals needed. Once again man making himself so impotant everybody wants your brain. Ha. Most monotheistic cultures will follow any vague perception of direction. What is so subliminal about a hot woman dressed scantilly on a cover. You are fools. Sex is right in front of your eyes sheeple. Mariah has sex appeal. The cover will say sex to a heterosexual male because of her obvious allure. No hidden message needed. This blog was not well thought out or executed. All you people just ran with the idea instead of using your brain, the obvious defeated you. Ironically looking for something hidden in plain view.
People will follow anything. Did it not occur to anyone that Mariah has sex appeal already. Putting a subliminal message of sex beside a beautiful woman is redundancy. Can't find the forest from the trees? Conspiracy theorists are so interesting. Why pose a question that has already been answered? You might want more definitive evidence. Also, Jesus is on his third strike so he better get it right this time.
May Jesus have mercy on ur sole!
May Jesus have mercy on ur sole!
Did anyone even notice the background of this page.
The word sex is written all over it
@ Dextar Matt
Captain Obvious to the rescue.
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