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While using of subliminal sexual embeds makes sense in advertising and all that concerns selling products, it's hard to comprehend their presence without getting into various conspiracy theories in places like banknotes or kids' stuff. Some people try to rationalize it as artists pranks, is that so?

Click images for highlights.

subliminal money

subliminal 5$

HorĂ¡cio comic by Mauricio de Sousa
As you can see, the mountains have a shape of a reclining naked woman.

New X-Men Comic vol #118
Larger image

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Not so subtle, not so aproppriate

Clone High series, "Raisin the Stakes" episode.
Clone High sex
Click the image for animated gif or watch video around 5:16 

Barbie Mermaid Tale 2

Since the moment that Kylie turns into a mermaid the letters S and E can be clearly seen on her thighs, while the letter X is not very pronounced. In the final scene, after the viewer got used to their presence, the X finally appears beyond a reasonable doubt.

Doesn't Cloyster Pokemon remind you something?

The skyscraper's lights spell the word SEX. I've also heard that the game is full of sexual images :

The Street Fighter EX logo also renders the magical word.

street fighter sexFinal Fantasy VIII. His arm has rather a phallic form.

Phallic object in Mario Kart Double Dash
 Watch video

Lands of Lore 2

GTA 2. 
Graffiti stylized SEX sits there in plain sight.

subliminal little mermaid erection

The priest in the wedding scene seems very excited. Disney claimed that's it's his knee moving underneath the robe, but nevertheless in the 2006 DVD release it was edited out. 

subliminal little mermaid erection
Click here to watch video

Oh no, not again.


The image of a topless woman appears twice in non-consecutive frames during a scene in the Rescuers. The two images could not be seen in ordinary viewing because the film runs too fast — at 30 frames per second on video.
subliminal rescuers
Click here to watch video.


A 4 frames sequence from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Maleficent (2014)
click for a highlight

Dust particles spell sex in Lion King
subliminal lion king
Click here to watch video.

In fact, besides promoting occultism, materialism, violence, promiscuity and pedophilia Disney have been doing this subliminal manipulation from the very beginning. Just look at the following images taken from the 1920s Alice shorts.

Here little Alice played by Virginia Davis is seductively stroking her genitals in front of Walt sitting at his table:

And here she gets...Well...Anal probed?

In this snapshot you can see the word SEXY on her dress.

In this image Alice is holding a pink toy for adults.

 If you think that this claim is too far-fetched check out the following image. Can you make out a hidden penis in this one?

hidden penis

Watch how easy it is to embed subliminal sexual imagery into illustrations:

Watch another one

The same trick is implemented here.

Another example of early subliminal messages: 

Now look at a picture from "Windows to Color" board book for toddlers made by a division of the Walt Disney Company - Baby Einstein. Out of all numbers in the world they picked the one which represents position for simultaneous oral sex. Note that this is not the original number of the truck, it was doctored. How do I know it? Look at the number plate: it's inverted, as well as the letters on the door, which means that the image was flipped and the number 69 was added to the truck afterward.
This is not the only sexual reference I found in this book. For example on the same page there's an image of a rose and on its left petal appears the word sex. It's not visible in the scanned image so I don't post it here. Another thing is the painting by Georgia O'Keeffe - an artist known for painting symbolical vaginal imagery.

Here's another 69 on a toddlers shirt:

Ok, here's another genius design from Disney:

Ape spanking the monkey in Disneyland:

Way to go kiddo! 
 mickey balls kick

What do Disney have to say about that? They've got some utterly pathetic excuses.
Watch video:

Well, at least recently they started doing it openly ;)

Some more screenshots.

Cinderella Anal Beads

Mickey and the Beanstalk. Click the image to see animation or watch video around 5:00

This is a real scene from Ren and Stimpy that I saw myself on TV as a teen.

Watch video


Happy feet:
happy feet sex

 Please don't tell me that the nose shape is an innocent coincidence...

Or maybe you think that MR. NO from Tiger Mask is an innocent coincidence?

How about this innocent shape in a second grade reading book?

Snow White Pez dispenser:
Watch Video demonstration

The Punisher shape shifter
Watch the video:


Try Me!

This toothbrush came in a box of Frosted Flakes. And they want children to put this in their mouths?

Watch video demonstration

2 balls included

Notice her right hand

This is supposed to be a horse from a children's animal set.


Watch video demonstration

Is it the thing in his hand that squirts up to 25 feet?

Notice the adoring impression of the woman gazing at his big red...boot.

Watch video


In the following picture some letters have a star on them, if you read only the starred letters you 
 get UR MR GAY

I admit that some examples here could be accidental, but could all of them be?

Continue to Other uses

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